Our Events

April 19 / 2023 / 5.30 PM

2023 Innovation & Diplomacy Conference - UIS Research Centre Inauguration Event

The UIS Research Centre stands as a pioneering, student-led think tank, deeply rooted in the principles of academic excellence, innovation, and collaboration.

For the launch of the UIS Research Centre, students who joined the programme presented two original pieces of research that discuss public policy, foreign affairs and artificial intelligence at the Consulate General of Italy in London.

How are the deep forces of innovation such as Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Space Travel, etc. influencing the geopolitics of our times?

May 14 / 2023 / 12:00 PM

Film Festival - Marcello Goes to London

The MARCELLO Italian film festival has landed in London!

The festival aims to showcase Italian talents abroad as well as international films that portray and engage with Italy and Italian culture.

Together with Paguro Film ltd, we screened two episodes of the mini-series “Vatican Girl: the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi”, the first Italian story to be nominated for a BAFTA award in 68 years. The mini-series talks about the mysterious disappearance of Emanuela Orlando in 1983 in Vatican City.

The discussion moderated by Dimitri Scarlato around the topics of the series and the its credits allowed guests to gain valuable insights, share their thoughts as well as having the opportunity to talk with the producers and industry experts. Thank you Chiara Messineo, Barbara Serra, Giada Mazzoleni for making this possible

The Event was led by the UK Institutional Relations team. A big thank you to Gaia Durante Mangoni, Sara Belluzzo and Valentina Vetri for their efforts in bringing the festival to life!.

March 19 / 2020 / 6:00 PM

Promoting Biotech Companies in Italy - Nucleate x UIS collaboration

In Italy, the biotech sector has demonstrated immense potential for growth which extends to various areas significantly impacting the academic and industrial sectors, fostering a new era of innovation and progress. 

A crucial aspect of unlocking Italy’s potential is nurturing and supporting the next generation of academics and researchers, providing them with the education, resources, and mentorship they need to develop groundbreaking technologies.

Nucleate’s mission goes in this direction to facilitate the formation of pioneering life science companies by empowering young academics and entrepreneurs with the resources and support they need to succeed.

In this event UIS and Nucleate collaborated to bring esteemed guests Stefano Angioletti-Uberti, Francesco Moiraghi, Fabrizio Ticchiarelli to talk about the challenges and advancements within the Italian biotechnology landscape.

We thank the Italian Consulate General for sponsoring the event and the Italian Institute of Culture in London to offer the Venue. We are also grateful to the Nucleate Team and the UK institutional relations team for organising this amazing event, specifically Francesco Ghanaymi and Valentina Vetri.

February 28th - March 2nd / 2023

Italian Symposium - Celebrating Italian Excellence, Inspiring the Next Generation.

We had great hopes for the symposium’s success, but we never could have thought it would turn out the way it did!

The 2023 Italian Symposium showcased renowned leaders in the fields of politics, art, journalism, business, and finance through a series of panel discussions and talks over the course of several days.

With its first edition, students from our universities had the opportunity to engage discourse and exchange ideas with our esteemed guests who are experts in their respective fields.

This Symposium was intended for our student community, however, we extended a warm welcome to students of all nationalities and backgrounds. Our esteemed speakers are individuals who have made, and continue to make, a significant impact on Italian society, both domestically and internationally. Their expertise span across a diverse range of industries.

We would like to thank the LSESU Italian Society for partnering with us in the organisation of this event. Their team was fundamental in the success of the Symposium.

As always, this diverse cast of panels, whose hosts have once more given invaluable suggestions and insights into their respective fields, could not have been achieved without the help of our amazing sponsors. We would therefore like to dedicate a special thanks from the UIS team to SDG Group UK , Belluzzo International Partners, Casa Londra, Macron and Majani 1796 Spa, for the continued to support and trust in our projects.

6th December / 2023 / 6:00 PM

Studenti unITi Press Conference in London

On the 6th of December 2022, members of our team were welcomed by the Italian Consulate in London to unveil one of our latest projects, Studenti Uniti.

As you might know from our previous posts, this initiative, born from the collaboration between our organization and the Italian Consulate, is very dear to our hearts, and having been given the chance to officially present it to the public in such a prestigious setting has been one of the highlights of the year for us.

We want to thank the Italian Consulate in London, as well as all of our members and partners for making this possible! We also thank the UIS team behind the management of this initiative, in particular Marco Zarzana.

October 17/ 2023 / 4:00 PM

A Conversation with Stefano Domenicali, President & CEO at Formula 1 Group

On the 17th of October 2022 UIS, in collaboration with the London School of Economics, opened its doors to Stefano Domenicali at the LSE “Old Theatre” for an enticing and dynamic discussion on the role of youths aspiring to join the business world.

Presentations on the UIS mentoring program by Guglielmo Santamaria, Lead The Future Mentorship by Erick Turricelli and the UIS programme in collaboration with the Italian General Consulate in London “Studenti Uniti” by Valentina Vetri, preceded CEO Mr. Domenicali, who came on the stage to discuss a wide range of topics from his career in the business world, to his management style and view on how young people dreaming of one day working as managers should go about achieving their goals. 

In front of a crowd of over 350 in the theatre, and several hundreds online who followed from the LSESU YouTube channel, Mr. Domenicali gave insights into the business side of the Formula One Group and discussed the importance of supporting and familiarising youths with the business world on the background of his own policies and decisions as CEO of the organisation.

The UIS team wants to thank Mr. Domenicali for attending this event and supporting the growth of young individuals desiring to expand their knowledge of the business world. UIS wants to thank LSE and the LSE SU Italian Society for hosting the event and once more proving to be invaluable partners to our organisation.