Italian Talent is Everywhere,
Opportunity is not

We show you how to get into your dream university abroad. 
Learn from who has succeeded before you and connect with our community for free.

 For high school students

Find a tutor that will help you get into your dream university for free

For university students

If you are interested in sharing your experience applying abroad so that other Italian high school students can achieve their dreams, become a Tutor now!

University student tutors in 50+ top universities around the world

Find Help from Those Who Made It

One of the main barriers to studying abroad is the difficulty in finding information on how to apply, especially for those who don’t come from a privileged background. For this reason, the students of our organization are available to help those who are facing the same challenges we once did.

How it works


Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Grant everyone the opportunity to study abroad. 

Our Mission

Promote and Represent the circulation of Italian talent.

University Guides​

Our university guides are available for free to any Italian student who is looking to start their academic journey abroad! The goal is to present the experiences of current Italian students studying abroad, in the hope that future students interested in undertaking this type of journey will find them useful, both for orienting themselves in their studies and for dealing with the practical aspects of daily life.


For High School Students

We are looking for students from backgrounds and areas where attending a top-tier university is more of a challenge than a certainty. To participate, you must be in your second-to-last or final year of high school, be of legal age, and attend a public school. Most candidates from Italian public schools are perfect for the program. So, if you’re thinking about applying, just go for it!

We are here to level the playing field. Talent is everywhere, but opportunities are not. We keep our platform free so that students from underprivileged backgrounds can access the incredible opportunities they deserve. The program thrives thanks to the energy and talents our volunteers bring to the table.

Just fill out the form and request a tutor. You might be matched right away, or you may need to wait a bit longer depending on how many tutors are available for your subject or the university you wish to attend. You don’t need a tutor to start working towards your goals.

During the matching process, we recommend scheduling weekly calls, although this often depends on the availability of the tutors. We ask each tutor to commit to a minimum of 1 hour of support every 2 weeks. We firmly believe that weekly tutoring sessions significantly boost your chances of getting into top universities. By having one session per week, you double your chances of being admitted to a top-tier university.

For University Students

It’s worth noting that tutoring isn’t as demanding or intimidating as it might seem. It can be as simple as connecting with a high school student who wants to get into your university and sharing your best advice with them. You have much more wisdom than you think. For those who participate, we ask for a minimum of one hour every two weeks dedicated to tutoring.